Frequent Questions
Frequently Used Acronyms
BDC = Broward Data Collaborative; BCPS = Broward County Public Schools; CSC = Children's Services Council of Broward County; DUL = Data Use License; IDS = Integrated Data System; IRB = Institutional Review Board; DCF = Florida Department of Children and Families.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) How do I request data from the BDC?
You must complete the Data Use License (i.e., DUL tab located under the User Request drop down menu) and complete the User Request sections including Terms and Conditions (i.e., User Request tab located under the User Request drop down menu).
2) Is it required to work for a BDC Member Agency to request data?
No, anyone can request de-identified data for research or evaluation purposes. However, only approved BDC Member Agency staff are eligible to receive data for care coordination purposes.
3) Is IRB approval required to request data?
In some cases yes, and in some cases no. If you are a student, researcher or evaluator working/contracting with an organization that requires IRB approval for what you will be researching/evaluating with the requested BDC data, then you must submit IRB approval from your organization. Additionally, some of the BDC Member Agencies may require their organization's IRB approval before the BDC can release requested data.
4) How long does the data request process take?
Your data request must first be approved by all BDC Member Agencies, which is a two phase process that generally requires 60 days. Once approved, your approved requested data will be extracted from the BDC's IDS, a process that can be completed within 30 days.
5) In terms of years, how far back does the BDC's data go?
Most of the available is available begins in the 2019 fiscal and/or school year.
6) What if I have concerns or questions about the data I receive?
Contact the BDC IDS Data Administrator by email at:
7) Once I complete my research, what are my responsibilities?
Research/Evaluator must provide the final research report to the BDC Data Administrator to share with the BDC Governance Board. Research/evaluator must dispose of data as indicated in the Data Use License.